Forum Your Builds Competitions

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    • #7987

        Hi all!

        Short Circuits has shipped over 600 sets of kits so far! Assuming they aren’t all in a drawer somewhere, we would love to see what you have built with them!

        I will be awarding free kits, cases and even exclusive prototypes to the best builds and code sketches. Depending on the amount of engagement, I will award prizes every 1-3 months.

        The first set of prizes will be a 4-Pack and a case of your choosing/or design. The first set of kits has been kindly donated by one of our Kickstarter backers. So, thanks to them for the donation!

        To submit your build, please create a new topic in the “Your Builds” forum and upload some images and the code you’re using.

        I look forward to seeing your efforts!


      • #8000

          You know, I planned on posting my pic of my setup when I first built it, but had issues logging in.  Coincidentally I felt like posting on the site saying “Hey I’m here and interested still!”, lol.  I’ll have to look at putting some code on my stuff and actually doing something with my boards, can’t keep using “new job” as an excuse anymore.

        • #8003

            Nice idea Martyn to give people the incentive to participate – I can’t join in at the moment, I’m still learning!

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