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    • #6885

        This sketch with remarks should be self explaining. I am available for questions, but most of all I wonder if anyone would have a more efficient coding as I was particularly struggling with the management of the shift registers in the RGB matrix. Every time writing the bytes ‘B00000000’ times 4 works, but just seems not very efficient. Happy with any remarks.
        Kind regards,

        /* This sketch is based on basic sketches and uses the Short Circuits
        Motherboard (MB), Digitiser (DI), Sensor array (SE) and RGB matrix (MA) boards.
        It shows time and temperature alternatively every minute (mode1/2 by sw1) and runs through
        time/temp/humidity/lightlevel/noiselevel (modes 1-5) with sw2 and outputs to DI and MA.
        The LEDs show which mode (1-4) is current. In mode 5 (noiselevel) the LEDS display the level.
        The brightness of DI and MA is controlled by the LDR
        Not used: DI Pot and SE card reader
        Attention to the comments in setup() to initialise the RTC
        Most of the sketch is explained by comments. It might not be the most efficient programming, but it works 😉

        Motherboard connections:
        D2 SE DHT
        D3 (PWM) DI SER [SERDI]
        D4 DI CLK [CLKDI]
        D5 (PWM) DI LAT [LATDI]
        D6 (PWM) DI OE and MA OE [OE]
        D7 MA LAT [LATMA]
        D8 MA CLK [CLKMA]
        D9 (PWM) MA SER [SERMA]
        D10 (PWM) SE CS
        D11 (PWM) SE Din
        D12 SE Dout
        D13 SE CLK
        A0 DI Sw1 (can use any pin)
        A1 DI Sw2 (can use any pin)
        A2 SE MIC (needs analog pin)
        A3 SE LDR (needs analog pin)
        A4-5 MB RTC (internally connected)

        #include <DHT_U.h> // includes DHT_U library
        #define DHTPIN 2 // digital pin connected to the DHT sensor
        #define DHTTYPE DHT11 // indicate the sensor type: DHT11 or DHT22
        DHT_Unified dht(DHTPIN, DHTTYPE); // sets the pin and type

        #include <RTClib.h> // include RTClib library
        RTC_DS1307 rtc; // create an instance of the DS1307

        const int SERDI = 3;
        const int CLKDI = 4;
        const int LATDI = 5;
        const int SERMA = 9;
        const int CLKMA = 8;
        const int LATMA = 7;
        const int OE = 6;
        const int sw1 = A0;
        const int sw2 = A1;

        /* bits in sequence: LED 1,2,3,4, Digit 4,3,2,1 (U5). LED on = 1, Digit on = 0 */
        const int digit[4] = { B00001110,B00001101,B00001011,B00000111 };

        /* digit sequence: G, F, A, B, DP, C, D, E. Check: Digit on = 0 */
        const int number[10] = { B10001000,B11101011,B01001100,B01001001,B00101011,
        int digit0 = digit[0]; // to switch digit0 on
        int digit1 = digit[1]; // to switch digit1 on
        int digit2 = digit[2]; // to switch digit2 on
        int digit3 = digit[3]; // to switch digit3 on

        const int MIC = A2;
        const int LDR = A3;

        int micMin = 1024; // Sets micMin to 1024 before the readings decrease the number
        int micMax = 0; // Sets micMax to 0 before the readings increase the number
        int micReading = 0; // variable to hold mics raw input value
        int light = 0; // variable to hold light level reading

        //MA MSBFIRST LED Order:
        //B Green1, Green2, Green3, Green4, Blue1, Blue2, Blue3, Blue4
        //B Row1, Row2, Row3, Row4, Red1, Red2, Red3, Red4
        int row11 = B00000000;
        int row12 = B11110000;
        int row21 = B00000000;
        int row22 = B11110000;
        int row31 = B00000000;
        int row32 = B11110000;
        int row41 = B00000000;
        int row42 = B11110000;

        int loopSizeNoise = 50; // to calculate average noiselevel
        int dimVal = 0; // to dim LEDs and digits
        int thousands = 0; // value for digit0
        int hundreds = 0; // value for digit1
        int tens = 0; // value for digit2
        int ones = 0; // value for digit3
        int noiseCounter = 0; // to determine average noiselevel
        int micVal = 0; // to determine average noiselevel
        int mode = 1; // 1:time, 2:temp, 3:humid, 4:light, 5:noiselevel
        int sw1State = 0; // state of button1
        int sw1StateLast = 0; // last state of button 1
        int sw2State = 0; // state of button2
        int sw2StateLast = 0; // last state of button 2
        int digitValue = 0; // value to be displayed
        int secondPrevious = 0; // if value of second (time) changes > …
        int modeSwitchCounter = 0; // to delay automatical mode switches
        int loopWait = 10; // x seconds wait between automatic switch mode 1<->2
        int decimalPoint = 0; // decimal point for digit1
        int letterC = B10011100; // prepares for displaying ‘C’ on digit3 in mode4
        int letterH = B00101010; // prepares for displaying ‘H’ on digit3 in mode5
        int letterL = B10111100; // prepares for displaying ‘L’ on digit0 in mode7
        int takeTemp = 2; // measure temperature every x minutes
        int takeTempPrevious = 0; // to measure temperature just once every takeTemp minutes
        int tempMeasured = 0; // value for MA display
        int tempMeasuredPrevious = 0; // value for MA display
        int counterMA = 0; // for MA sequences
        int counterMA2 = 0; // for MA sequences
        int counterMA3 = 1; // for MA sequences
        int steps = 1; // for MA sequences
        bool interval = true; // to change modes automatically

        //Void Setup – runs once at start
        void setup() {
        // Serial.begin(9600); // Initialise Serial Monitor only for checks
        rtc.begin(); // initialise RTC
        dht.begin(); // initialise DHT sensor

        pinMode(SERDI, OUTPUT); // SERDI (data) pin as output
        pinMode(CLKDI, OUTPUT); // CLK (clock) pin as output
        pinMode(LATDI, OUTPUT); // LATCH pin as output
        pinMode(SERMA, OUTPUT); // SER (data) pin as output
        pinMode(CLKMA, OUTPUT); // CLK (clock) pin as output
        pinMode(LATMA, OUTPUT); // LATCH pin MA as output
        pinMode(OE, OUTPUT); // Output Enable

        analogWrite(OE, 255); // Set brightness minimal (0 = full brightness). Register outputs enabled.

        pinMode(sw1, INPUT); // Switch 1
        pinMode(sw2, INPUT); // Switch 2
        pinMode(LDR, INPUT); // Declaring the LDR pin as an input

        pinMode(13, OUTPUT); // LED on motherboard
        digitalWrite(13,LOW); // set pin 13 (LED) off

        To set the time on the RTC to match your computer’s clock, uncomment the next line and upload the code.
        To prevent it resetting to the same time every time you reset the device, add the “//” to the beginning of the line then uplaod the code again.
        The time will then be set and saved even after a reset (with a coin cell present).
        //rtc.adjust(DateTime(__DATE__,__TIME__)); // Set the RTC to Compile Date and Time

        void resetMA() { // Turns all LEDS of RGB matrix off
        row11 = row21 = row31 = row41 = B00000000;
        row12 = row22 = row32 = row42 = B11110000;

        void setMA() {
        digitalWrite(LATMA,LOW); // row1
        digitalWrite(LATMA,LOW); // row2
        digitalWrite(LATMA,LOW); // row3
        digitalWrite(LATMA,LOW); // row4

        void sequence1(int symbol){ // MA sequence 1
        if(symbol == 1) {
        row11 = B11001100; row12 = B01111100;
        row21 = B11001100; row22 = B10111100;
        row31 = B00110011; row32 = B11010011;
        row41 = B00110011; row42 = B11100011;
        if(symbol == 2) {
        row11 = B01100110; row12 = B01110110;
        row21 = B01100110; row22 = B10110110;
        row31 = B01100110; row32 = B11010110;
        row41 = B01100110; row42 = B11100110;
        if(symbol == 3) {
        row11 = B00110011; row12 = B01110011;
        row21 = B00110011; row22 = B10110011;
        row31 = B11001100; row32 = B11011100;
        row41 = B11001100; row42 = B11101100;
        if(symbol == 4) {
        row11 = B00000000; row12 = B11110000;
        row21 = B11111111; row22 = B10111111;
        row31 = B11111111; row32 = B11011111;
        row41 = B00000000; row42 = B11110000;

        void sequence2(int symbol){ // MA sequence 2
        if(symbol == 1) {
        row11 = B00000000; row12 = B01111111; // blauw binnen, zwart buiten
        row21 = B00000110; row22 = B10111001;
        row31 = B00000110; row32 = B11011001;
        row41 = B00000000; row42 = B11101111;
        if(symbol == 2) {
        row11 = B00001111; row12 = B01110000; // zwart binnen, blauw buiten
        row21 = B00001111; row22 = B10110000;
        row31 = B00001111; row32 = B11010000;
        row41 = B00001111; row42 = B11100000;
        if(symbol == 3) {
        row11 = B00001111; row12 = B01110000; // rood binnen, zwart buiten
        row21 = B00001001; row22 = B10110110;
        row31 = B00001001; row32 = B11010110;
        row41 = B00001111; row42 = B11100000;
        if(symbol == 4) {
        row11 = B00000000; row12 = B01111111; // zwart binnen, rood buiten
        row21 = B00000000; row22 = B10111111;
        row31 = B00000000; row32 = B11011111;
        row41 = B00000000; row42 = B11101111;

        void sequence3(int symbol){ // MA sequence 3
        if(symbol == 1) {
        row11 = B00000001; row12 = B01111000;
        row21 = B00000000; row22 = B10110000;
        row31 = B00000000; row32 = B11010000;
        row41 = B00001000; row42 = B11100001;
        if(symbol == 2) {
        row11 = B00000000; row12 = B01110100;
        row21 = B00000001; row22 = B10110000;
        row31 = B00001000; row32 = B11010000;
        row41 = B00000000; row42 = B11100010;
        if(symbol == 3) {
        row11 = B00000000; row12 = B01110010;
        row21 = B00001000; row22 = B10110000;
        row31 = B00000001; row32 = B11010000;
        row41 = B00000000; row42 = B11100100;
        if(symbol == 4) {
        row11 = B00001000; row12 = B01110001;
        row21 = B00000000; row22 = B10110000;
        row31 = B00000000; row32 = B11010000;
        row41 = B00000001; row42 = B11101000;
        if(symbol == 5) {
        row11 = B00000100; row12 = B01110000;
        row21 = B00000000; row22 = B10110001;
        row31 = B00000000; row32 = B11011000;
        row41 = B00000010; row42 = B11100000;
        if(symbol == 6) {
        row11 = B00000010; row12 = B01110000;
        row21 = B00000000; row22 = B10111000;
        row31 = B00000000; row32 = B11010001;
        row41 = B00000100; row42 = B11100000;

        void sequence4(int symbol){ // MA sequence 4
        if(symbol == 1) {
        row11 = B10001000; row12 = B01111000;
        row21 = B10001000; row22 = B10111000;
        row31 = B10001000; row32 = B11011000;
        row41 = B10001000; row42 = B11101000;
        if(symbol == 2) {
        row11 = B01000100; row12 = B01110100;
        row21 = B01000100; row22 = B10110100;
        row31 = B01000100; row32 = B11010100;
        row41 = B01000100; row42 = B11100100;
        if(symbol == 3) {
        row11 = B00100010; row12 = B01110010;
        row21 = B00100010; row22 = B10110010;
        row31 = B00100010; row32 = B11010010;
        row41 = B00100010; row42 = B11100010;
        if(symbol == 4) {
        row11 = B00010001; row12 = B01110001;
        row21 = B00010001; row22 = B10110001;
        row31 = B00010001; row32 = B11010001;
        row41 = B00010001; row42 = B11100001;
        if(symbol == 5) {
        row11 = B00000000; row12 = B01111111;
        row21 = B00000000; row22 = B10110000;
        row31 = B00000000; row32 = B11010000;
        row41 = B00000000; row42 = B11100000;
        if(symbol == 6) {
        row11 = B00000000; row12 = B01110000;
        row21 = B11110000; row22 = B10111111;
        row31 = B00000000; row32 = B11010000;
        row41 = B00000000; row42 = B11100000;
        if(symbol == 7) {
        row11 = B00000000; row12 = B01110000;
        row21 = B00000000; row22 = B10110000;
        row31 = B11110000; row32 = B11010000;
        row41 = B00000000; row42 = B11100000;
        if(symbol == 8) {
        row11 = B00000000; row12 = B01110000;
        row21 = B00000000; row22 = B10110000;
        row31 = B00000000; row32 = B11010000;
        row41 = B00001111; row42 = B11100000;

        void tempInMatrix() { // mode 4 values for MA
        if(tempMeasured == tempMeasuredPrevious || tempMeasuredPrevious == 0) { // steady temperature or at start of program
        if(tempMeasured < 170) { // blue
        row11 = B00000000; row12 = B01110000;
        row21 = B00000000; row22 = B10110000;
        row31 = B00000000; row32 = B11010000;
        row41 = B00001111; row42 = B11100000;
        else if(tempMeasured < 230) { // green
        row11 = B00000000; row12 = B01110000;
        row21 = B00000000; row22 = B10110000;
        row31 = B11110000; row32 = B11010000;
        row41 = B00000000; row42 = B11100000;
        else if(tempMeasured < 280) { // yellow
        row11 = B00000000; row12 = B01110000;
        row21 = B11110000; row22 = B10111111;
        row31 = B00000000; row32 = B11010000;
        row41 = B00000000; row42 = B11100000;
        else { // red
        row11 = B00000000; row12 = B01111111;
        row21 = B00000000; row22 = B10110000;
        row31 = B00000000; row32 = B11010000;
        row41 = B00000000; row42 = B11100000;
        else if(tempMeasured > tempMeasuredPrevious) { // increasing temperature
        if(tempMeasured < 170) { // blue
        row11 = B00000001; row12 = B01110000;
        row21 = B00000011; row22 = B10110000;
        row31 = B00000111; row32 = B11010000;
        row41 = B00000000; row42 = B11100000;
        else if(tempMeasured < 230) { // green
        row11 = B00010000; row12 = B01110000;
        row21 = B00110000; row22 = B10110000;
        row31 = B01110000; row32 = B11010000;
        row41 = B00000000; row42 = B11100000;
        else if(tempMeasured < 280) { // yellow
        row11 = B00010000; row12 = B01110001;
        row21 = B00110000; row22 = B10110011;
        row31 = B01110000; row32 = B11010111;
        row41 = B00000000; row42 = B11100000;
        else { // red
        row11 = B00000000; row12 = B01110001;
        row21 = B00000000; row22 = B10110011;
        row31 = B00000000; row32 = B11010111;
        row41 = B00000000; row42 = B11100000;
        else if(tempMeasured < tempMeasuredPrevious) { // decreasing temperature
        if(tempMeasured < 170) {
        row11 = B00001000; row12 = B01110000;
        row21 = B00001100; row22 = B10110000;
        row31 = B00001110; row32 = B11010000;
        row41 = B00000000; row42 = B11100000;
        else if(tempMeasured < 230) {
        row11 = B10000000; row12 = B01110000;
        row21 = B11000000; row22 = B10110000;
        row31 = B11100000; row32 = B11010000;
        row41 = B00000000; row42 = B11100000;
        else if(tempMeasured < 280) {
        row11 = B10000000; row12 = B01111000;
        row21 = B11000000; row22 = B10111100;
        row31 = B11100000; row32 = B11011110;
        row41 = B00000000; row42 = B11100000;
        else {
        row11 = B00000000; row12 = B01111000;
        row21 = B00000000; row22 = B10111100;
        row31 = B00000000; row32 = B11011110;
        row41 = B00000000; row42 = B11100000;

        //Void Loop – repeats forever

        void loop() {

        // DIM LIGHTS
        light = analogRead(LDR); // save current LDR value to variable
        dimVal = map(light,0,1024,254,0); // dimming value max 254 means not completely off
        analogWrite(OE,dimVal); // set brightness of digits and LEDs. less light > less brightness

        sw1State = digitalRead(sw1);
        sw2State = digitalRead(sw2);
        if(sw1State != sw1StateLast){
        if(sw1State == HIGH){
        mode = 1;
        interval = true;
        resetMA(); // Turns all LEDS of RGB matrix off
        delay(10); // delay to avoid bouncing
        sw1StateLast = sw1State;
        if(sw2State != sw2StateLast){
        if(sw2State == HIGH){
        interval = false;
        if(mode > 5){ // only 5 modes (time/temp/humid/light/noise)
        mode = 1;
        resetMA(); // Turns all LEDS of RGB matrix off
        sw2StateLast = sw2State;

        // EXECUTE MODES
        digit0 = digit[0]; // switching all digits on (again)
        digit1 = digit[1];
        digit2 = digit[2];
        digit3 = digit[3];

        DateTime now =; // get the current time

        if(interval){ // at start of program, or when sw1 is activated
        if(now.second() != secondPrevious){ // every second
        secondPrevious = now.second();
        if(modeSwitchCounter >= loopWait){ // change mode 1<->2 after loopWait seconds
        if(mode == 1){
        mode = 2;
        }else if(mode == 2){
        mode = 1;
        modeSwitchCounter = 0;

        if(mode == 1) { // TIME
        resetMA(); // all MA LEDs turned off
        digitValue = (now.hour() * 100 + now.minute()); // calculate time in 4 digits
        digit0 = digit[0] | B10000000; // turn LED1 on
        if(now.minute() == 0 && now.second() < 10) { // every hour on minute 0 for 10 seconds play sequence1
        if(counterMA > 5) { // speed of sequence
        counterMA = 0;
        if(steps > 4) {steps = 1;} // sequence of 4 steps
        if(now.minute() == 15 && now.second() < 10) { // every hour on minute 15 for 10 seconds play sequence1
        if(counterMA > 10) { // speed of sequence
        counterMA = 1;
        if(steps > 4) {steps = 1;}
        if(now.minute() == 30 && now.second() < 10) { // every hour on minute 30 for 10 seconds play sequence1
        if(counterMA > 7) { // speed of sequence
        counterMA = 1;
        if(counterMA2 < 500) {
        if(steps > 6) {steps = 1;} // sequence of 6 steps
        if(counterMA2 >= 500) {
        if(steps < 1) {steps = 6;}
        if(counterMA2 > 1000) {counterMA2 = 0;}
        if(now.minute() == 45 && now.second() < 10) { // every hour on minute 45 for 10 seconds play sequence1
        if(counterMA > 5) { // speed of sequence
        counterMA = 0;
        if(counterMA3 / 2 == 0) {
        if(counterMA2 < 4 && steps < 4) {steps++; counterMA2++;} // vertical lights
        else if(counterMA2 < 7 && steps > 1) {steps–; counterMA2++;}
        else {counterMA2 = 1; steps = 5; counterMA3++;}
        else {
        if(counterMA2 < 4 && steps < 8) {steps++; counterMA2++;} // horizontal lights
        else if(counterMA2 < 7 && steps > 4) {steps–; counterMA2++;}
        else {counterMA2 = 1; steps = 1; counterMA3 = 1;}
        if(mode == 2) { // TEMP
        sensors_event_t event; // Prepares for the following events
        dht.temperature().getEvent(&event); // Gets the temperature data from the DHT
        digitValue = 100 * event.temperature; // Times 100 as digit4 should show ‘C’ (and digit2 ‘.’)
        digit0 = digit[0] | B01000000; // turn LED2 on
        if(now.minute() % takeTemp == 0 || tempMeasuredPrevious == 0) { // Every takeTemp minutes or at start of program
        if(takeTempPrevious != now.minute()) { // just once per takeTemp minutes
        takeTempPrevious = now.minute();
        tempMeasuredPrevious = tempMeasured; // store previous tempMeasured
        sensors_event_t event; // Prepares for the following events
        dht.temperature().getEvent(&event); // Gets the temperature data from the DHT
        tempMeasured = 10 * event.temperature; // to use decimals too
        tempInMatrix(); // display change of temperature on MA
        if(mode == 3) { // HUMIDITY
        resetMA(); // all MA LEDs turned off
        sensors_event_t event; // Prepares for the following events
        dht.humidity().getEvent(&event); // Gets the relative humidity data from the DHT
        digitValue = 10 * event.relative_humidity; // Times 10 as digit4 should show ‘H’
        digit0 = digit[0] | B00100000; // turn LED3 on
        if(mode == 4) { // LIGHT LEVEL
        resetMA(); // all MA LEDs turned off
        digit0 = digit[0] | B00010000; // turn LED 4 on
        digitValue = map(light,0,1024,5,100); // maps reading to 5-100
        if(mode == 5) { // NOISE LEVEL
        if(noiseCounter < loopSizeNoise) { // continue display without changing values
        micVal = analogRead(MIC); // read value from microphone
        micMin = min(micMin, micVal); // decreases micMin if micVal is less than it
        micMax = max(micMax, micVal); // increases micMax if micVal is more than it
        else { // change values
        micReading = micMax – micMin; // calculates the average levels
        digitValue = map(micReading,0,775,0,100); // Maps micReading to a percentage
        noiseCounter = 0; // reset noise measuring loop variables
        micMax = 0;
        micMin = 1024;

        if(mode == 5){ // setting of LEDs in accordance with noiselevel
        if(digitValue < 10) {
        digit0 = digit0; // all LED off
        row11 = row21 = row31 = B00000000; // MA A4 blue
        row12 = row22 = row32 = B11110000;
        row41 = B00001000; row42 = B11100000;
        else if(digitValue < 16) {
        digit0 = digit0 | B10000000; // LED1 on
        row11 = row21 = row31 = B00000000; // MA A4-B4 blue
        row12 = row22 = row32 = B11110000;
        row41 = B00001100; row42 = B11100000;
        else if(digitValue < 22) {
        digit0 = digit0 | B10000000; // LED1 on
        row11 = row21 = row31 = B00000000; // MA A4-C4 blue
        row12 = row22 = row32 = B11110000;
        row41 = B00001110; row42 = B11100000;
        else if(digitValue < 28) {
        digit0 = digit0 | B10000000; // LED1 on
        row11 = row21 = row31 = B00000000; // MA A4-D4 blue
        row12 = row22 = row32 = B11110000;
        row41 = B00001111; row42 = B11100000;
        else if(digitValue < 34) {
        digit0 = digit0 | B11000000; // LED1,2 on
        row11 = row21 = B00000000; // MA A1-D1 blue, A3 green
        row12 = row22 = B11110000;
        row31 = B10000000; row32 = B11010000;
        row41 = B00001111; row42 = B11100000;
        else if(digitValue < 40) {
        digit0 = digit0 | B11000000; // LED1,2 on
        row11 = row21 = B00000000; // MA A1-D1 blue, A3-B3 green
        row12 = row22 = B11110000;
        row31 = B11000000; row32 = B11010000;
        row41 = B00001111; row42 = B11100000;
        else if(digitValue < 46) {
        digit0 = digit0 | B11000000; // LED1,2 on
        row11 = row21 = B00000000; // MA A1-D1 blue, A3-C3 green
        row12 = row22 = B11110000;
        row31 = B11100000; row32 = B11010000;
        row41 = B00001111; row42 = B11100000;
        else if(digitValue < 52) {
        digit0 = digit0 | B11000000; // LED1,2 on
        row11 = row21 = B00000000; // MA A1-D1 blue, A3-D3 green
        row12 = row22 = B11110000;
        row31 = B11110000; row32 = B11010000;
        row41 = B00001111; row42 = B11100000;
        else if(digitValue < 58) {
        digit0 = digit0 | B11100000; // LED1,2,3 on
        row11 = B00000000; row12 = B11110000; // MA A1-D1 blue, A3-D3 green, A2 yellow
        row21 = B10000000; row22 = B10111000;
        row31 = B11110000; row32 = B11010000;
        row41 = B00001111; row42 = B11100000;
        else if(digitValue < 64) {
        digit0 = digit0 | B11100000; // LED1,2,3 on
        row11 = B00000000; row12 = B11110000; // MA A1-D1 blue, A3-D3 green, A2-B2 yellow
        row21 = B11000000; row22 = B10111100;
        row31 = B11110000; row32 = B11010000;
        row41 = B00001111; row42 = B11100000;
        else if(digitValue < 70) {
        digit0 = digit0 | B11100000; // LED1,2,3 on
        row11 = B00000000; row12 = B11110000; // MA A1-D1 blue, A3-D3 green, A2-C2 yellow
        row21 = B11100000; row22 = B10111110;
        row31 = B11110000; row32 = B11010000;
        row41 = B00001111; row42 = B11100000;
        else if(digitValue < 76) {
        digit0 = digit0 | B11100000; // LED1,2,3 on
        row11 = B00000000; row12 = B11110000; // MA A1-D1 blue, A3-D3 green, A2-D2 yellow
        row21 = B11110000; row22 = B10111111;
        row31 = B11110000; row32 = B11010000;
        row41 = B00001111; row42 = B11100000;
        else if(digitValue < 82) {
        digit0 = digit0 | B11110000; // LED1,2,3,4 on
        row11 = B00000000; row12 = B01111000; // MA A1-D1 blue, A3-D3 green, A2-D2 yellow, A1 red
        row21 = B11110000; row22 = B10111111;
        row31 = B11110000; row32 = B11010000;
        row41 = B00001111; row42 = B11100000;
        else if(digitValue < 86) {
        digit0 = digit0 | B11110000; // LED1,2,3,4 on
        row11 = B00000000; row12 = B01111100; // MA A1-D1 blue, A3-D3 green, A2-D2 yellow, A1-B1 red
        row21 = B11110000; row22 = B10111111;
        row31 = B11110000; row32 = B11010000;
        row41 = B00001111; row42 = B11100000;
        else if(digitValue < 92) {
        digit0 = digit0 | B11110000; // LED1,2,3,4 on
        row11 = B00000000; row12 = B01111110; // MA A1-D1 blue, A3-D3 green, A2-D2 yellow, A1-C1 red
        row21 = B11110000; row22 = B10111111;
        row31 = B11110000; row32 = B11010000;
        row41 = B00001111; row42 = B11100000;
        else if(digitValue >= 92) {
        digit0 = digit0 | B11110000; // LED1,2,3,4 on
        row11 = B00000000; // MA A1-D1 blue, A3-D3 green, A2-D2 yellow, A1-D1 red
        row21 = B11110000;
        row31 = B11110000;
        row41 = B00001111;
        if (now.second() % 2 == 0){ // MA all blinking per second
        row12 = B01111111;
        row22 = B10111111;
        row32 = B11010000;
        row42 = B11100000;
        } else {
        row12 = row22 = row32 = row42 = B11110000;

        thousands = digitValue / 1000;
        hundreds = (digitValue%1000)/100;
        tens = (digitValue%100) / 10;
        ones = (digitValue%10);
        if(thousands == 0 && (mode != 1) && (mode != 2)){ // if no value for digit0 switch it off
        digit0 = digit0 | B00000001;
        if(thousands == 0 && hundreds == 0 && mode != 1){ // if also no value for digit1 switch it off unless display of time (e.g. 00.01)
        digit1 = digit1 | B00000010;

        // SETTING DIGIT0
        if(mode == 4){
        digit0 ^= 1UL << 0; // switches state of digit0 (to on again, as it is supposed to be off)
        digitalWrite(LATDI, LOW);
        shiftOut(SERDI,CLKDI,LSBFIRST,letterL); // displays ‘L’ on digit0
        digitalWrite(LATDI, LOW);

        //SETTING DIGIT1
        if(mode == 1){
        decimalPoint = number[hundreds];
        if (now.second() % 2 == 0){ // decimal point should be inserted in digit1 as in mode4, but blinking per second
        decimalPoint &= ~(1UL << 3); // clears the 3rd bit (= the decimal point on)
        } else {
        decimalPoint |= 1UL << 3; // setting the 3rd bit (= the decimal point off)
        digitalWrite(LATDI, LOW);
        } else if(mode == 2){ // decimal point should be inserted in digit1
        decimalPoint = number[hundreds];
        decimalPoint &= ~(1UL << 3); // clears the 3rd bit (= the decimal point on)
        digitalWrite(LATDI, LOW);
        } else {
        digitalWrite(LATDI, LOW);

        //SETTING DIGIT2
        digitalWrite(LATDI, LOW);

        //SETTING DIGIT3
        if(mode == 2){ // setting digit3
        digitalWrite(LATDI, LOW);
        }else if(mode == 3){
        digitalWrite(LATDI, LOW);
        }else{ // regular setting of digit3
        digitalWrite(LATDI, LOW);


      • #6914

          Wow Peter, that’s some epic coding right there! It’s going to take me a bit to digest it all. If it works and it fits in the ATMega328P’s memory, then bravo!

          There are lots of ways to condense code, but it gets more unreadable the more you condense it. A lot of the nifty efficient coding is beyond my level of knowledge, to be honest. To make things neater, you could use separate sketches for each function and call those like you would a library.

          Here is a tutorial I found after a quick search (I haven’t followed it or looked at it in detail, but it seems to outline what I’m talking about).

          Apologies for the late reply. I’m getting ready for a trade show at the moment, so I’m building boards, designing backdrops, packing kits and sorting insurance (who knew buying from China and selling to America was so uninsurable…).

        • #7191

            Just got done making this and getting it programmed.  Another tip for some errors if you copy and paste from here.  Make sure minus(-) signs are removed and added back in.  Also make sure the decrement uses 2 minus(-) signs.  This will give a (;) error if you dont fix those.


            Thanks for this code.  If I get more enhancements I will post updates.



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