Forum Support PDF Manual for The 4 Pack

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    • #7585


        At Makers Central last month, myself and a co-worker purchased the 4 pack from the ShortCircuits stall (it was amazing by the way).
        He is far more capable at this kind of thing and didn’t need instructions, but myself on the other hand have only recently started to dabble in this kind of thing. I noticed on the back of the card inside the packs it says about finding the PDF manual on the ShortCircuits account page. I registered an account however because they were not purchased online or via Kickstarter (I imagine?) I do not have them. Would it at all be possible to get a copy of the PDFs through email or through my account?

        I apologise if this is not the correct place to put this, I emailed in but never got a response so this is kind of a desperate attempt haha

        Thanks in advance and for the great display at the weekend.

      • #7586

          Hi Tom!

          Sorry about that! The leaflet in the box doesn’t cater for face to face sales. I will amend that before I do any more shows.

          The manuals can be found in the forum:

          I did receive your email on the 3/5 and replied the next day. It may have ended up in your junk folder as I haven’t figured out how to authorise my emails yet (something else for the to-do list).

          Any other questions, fire away in the forums and I’ll respond as soon as I can.



          • #7592

              Oh wow, I should’ve seen that, I apologise!

              Thank you so much, I really appreciate it 🙂


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