Forum Support Manual Errors


  • This topic has 16 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by Martyn.
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    • #6680

        Please let me know of any mistakes I’ve made in the Manuals. I can then fix them and reupload the manual. Thank You!

      • #6705

          Gues I posted the following in the wrong forum.

          Revision to the Digitiser Manual. On page 47 showing the seven segment displays, the right side diagram shows a common cathode and also segment cathodes. Is this correct? I would expect the segments to anodes. Please correct me if I am wrong.


          • #6733

              Hi Rich, you are right, thanks for spotting that. The right-hand diagram should read segment anodes and the left diagram should have a + instead of – on the common anodes. Also, the LED symbol for the Decimal Point on the right-hand diagram of page 46 (the common cathode type display) is the wrong way round.

              I will change these in the next update. Sorry for any confusion!

          • #6711
            David Stockton

              On page 20 of the motherboard manual, the resistors are listed R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R4. The last one should be R7 I think.

              • #6734

                  Hi David, Yep you’re right! I’ll change that in the next update. Thanks for letting me know!

              • #6712

                  On the flyer that comes with the sensor array I think C8 is missing in the bill of materials.

                  • #6735

                      Hi Lars, yes, you are right. That should be a 47pF ceramic cap. Thanks for noticing! Sorry for any confusion!

                  • #6713

                      Motherboard Manual. Page 10/54 BOM. D2,D3 Datasheet link is wrong

                      • #6736

                          Correct! That’s not a cap! Sorry about that. I will update this in the next version. Thank you!

                        • #8792
                          David Wickenden



                        • #6728


                            There is a broken link in the Motherboard Manual on page 28, last paragraph of the page “HERE”:

                            Now you can get programming! Read are
                            quick coding guide in for this board. Download some of our example sketches from
                            HERE or find a tutorial online and follow it.
                            There are plenty of Youtubers with great tutorials. Lots of written tutorials online as well.
                            Check out Instructables, the Arduino website
                            and others.

                          • #6843

                              Downloaded the Sensor Array manual and built the board. When connecting it to the MB for testing I noticed that the labeling for the contacts differs on the printed board from the manual. Specifically, between the last DHT and the first MIC. The Board is labeled CLK, Dout, Din, CS where the manual images are labeled CS, Din, Dout, CLK.


                              • #6847

                                  Hi Vince, you are quite right. The SD card connections are labelled in reverse order. A silly error on my part. I did mention it on page 5 of the manual. I will look at putting the information in multiple locations to avoid confusion. Thanks!

                              • #6862


                                  Motherboard, Circuit – Digital and Analog IO: “Check for the tilde symbol (wavy line) underneath its label on the board”

                                  The image in the manual, the board and the print layout of the board show a simple, straight, underline.

                                • #8793
                                  David Wickenden

                                    Sensor array

                                    On that C8, I been given 47nF cap (473), I thought I better look it up myself, 47pF would be 470 on the capacitor. There is more, 47nF is correct as in the link:-

                                    “Production amplifiers usually include a Boucherot Cell on the output, often an output inductor after that. Both of these devices can help block incoming RF, even though it’s not their main function. The Boucherot cell is simply a capacitor in series with a resistor, placed between the output and ground. Common values are 0.1uF and 10 ohms. You can see this in many amplifier schematics. Edit: I see there is a 10 ohm/0.047uF cell in the amplifier”.

                                    0.047uF is 47nF.

                                    and C9 doesn’t exist on BOM in PDF, should have been C8 as 47nF

                                    Hope this helps?

                                    • #8794

                                        Hi, thanks David, looks like it should be nF instead of pF, and C8 instead of C9 in the BOM. Thanks for pointing that out, I’ll get that fixed today.




                                        Edit: All sorted. Both normal version and printable version. Thanks again David!

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