Forum The Lounge Introductions!

  • This topic has 3 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago by lawrencessymes.
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    • #5998

        Hi everyone! Welcome to the Short Circuits forum. I’m Martyn, the founder of Short Circuits.

        Who am I? Well, I’m a qualified teacher, designer and passionate maker who finds it hard to pay other people to do things for me. This has been the main driving force towards fixing/breaking things and learning all sorts of skills by just having a go! Of course, failing repeatedly is a huge part of that process, so learning to be comfortable with failing has been an important part of the journey.

        There have been a few things that have pushed me towards starting my own business. Namely an inability to perform well during interviews, and having little patience working towards goals that aren’t my own. With the knowledge and resources available at our fingertips today, there is less reason to climb the ladders offered to us. With a little creativity and some passion, we have the opportunity to carve our own path. So that’s what I did. Is it easy? Hell no! Is it rewarding? More than anything else I’ve ever done. Will it make me rich? No, probably not. Do I care? Not at all. For me, the sense of purpose and fulfilment is all I need (plus a bit of cash to pay the bills of course).

        Thanks for reading my attempt at a meaningful intro!

      • #6644

          Hello, Martyn!

          My name is Txabi. I’m a university teacher and translator in Japan (I’m not Japanese, though). I don’t have to use much technology in my jobs, but I have been a sucker for computers and machines in general since I was a kid, the main reason being the ZX Spectrum my dad brought home one nice Xmas when I was little. I have only done some programming (mostly Python, a couple of games and some tools for my classes), but have been always curious about getting my hands dirty with hardware 🙂

          Great to be here. Thanks for your passion on the project and for making these cool kits!

        • #6673


            My name is Alaa. I am a bioinformatician by day and a gamer by night. I was always interested in everything related to circuits, gadgets, small computers, and microcontrollers. I am a complete beginner when it comes to circuitry but this is my chance to learn more about them. I got my hands on the 4 boards through the KS campaign. I know some programming with Bash, Python R, and Java mostly.

            It’s good to be part of this community and I can’t wait to explore new ideas with the people here.

          • #6767

              Hi Martin, I’m Lawrence and just got my kits today and am very excited (and impressed!)

              looking forward to learning all about what I have in front of me. Congratulations!
              Best from Melbourne, AU

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