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February 7, 2022 at 2:42 pm
I’ve tried to post this 3 or 4 times now, I’m not seeing it though, so I’ll try once or twice more:
I did a visual inspection, didn’t find any solder bridges. Then I tried with my multimeter, still didn’t find anything awry. Sorry if this double posts, after I hit submit the post just seemed to disappear, and isn’t showing up even after I refresh.
Info in pdf form
//Output Pin Variables
const int OE = 2; // Shift Register Output Enable pin
const int SER = 11; // Shift Register Serial Data pin
const int CLK = 12; // Shift Register Clock pin
const int LAT = 13; // Shift Register Latch pin
//Input Pin Variables
const int sw1 = A2; // Switch 1 pin
const int Pot = A4; // Potentiometer pin (must be analog pin)
const int sw2 = A5; // Switch 2 pin
//Other Variables
int mode = 1; // counter for Mode select
int swState = 0; // Holds the current state of the switch
int lastswState = 0; // Holds the previous state of the switch
int potRead = 0; // Holds the current potentiometer value (0-1024)
int potDimVal = 0; // Holds the converted dimming value for output to OE (0-255)
//Void Setup - runs once at start
void setup()
pinMode(OE, OUTPUT);
pinMode(SER, OUTPUT);
pinMode(CLK, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LAT, OUTPUT);
analogWrite(OE, 0);
//Void Loop - repeats forever
void loop()
potRead = analogRead(Pot); // Reads the pot and assigns potRead the same value
potDimVal = map(potRead,0,1023,255,0); // maps potRead (0-1023) to potDimVal (255-0)
analogWrite(OE,potDimVal); // Sets a PWM value (potDimVal) to the OE pin to set brightness
swState = digitalRead(sw1); //read the pushbutton input pin
if (swState != lastswState) // compare swState to its previous state, if it changed...
if (swState == HIGH) // ...and the current state is HIGH then the button was pressed
if (mode < 4) // if mode is less than the number of modes
mode++; // add 1 to mode, thus changing to the next mode
else // if mode is not less than the number of modes...
mode = 1; // ...set mode to 0 (the first mode)
delay(5); // Delay a little bit to avoid bouncing
lastswState = swState; // save the current state as the last state
//Shift Out Digits
if (mode == 1) // if mode is equal to 1 then execute the following code
digitalWrite(LAT,LOW); // sets the latch low
shiftOut(SER,CLK,LSBFIRST,B11101011); // shifts each bit in the given byte to the serial pin, sending the least significant (right most) bit first
shiftOut(SER,CLK,LSBFIRST,B10001110); // shifts another byte which pushes the last through to the second register
digitalWrite(LAT,HIGH); // sets the latch high
if (mode == 2)
if (mode == 3)
if (mode == 4)